Friday, June 09, 2006


Pain - Part 2

3 June 2006

I am a lousy pain sufferer. Fell and hurt my coccyx last Sunday while tramping in the rain at Taipo. The pain was bearable as I continued to tramp for 5-6hours after the fall. However, the pain thereafter kept me up the whole night as I moaned and was very restless and impatient. I spent next 3 days moaning more in bed as I couldn’t sit, stand nor walk too long. I’ve a long way to learn and understand how pain could make the sufferer ‘even-tempered and compassionate’!! However, something’s certainly true – pain has made people around me more compassionate and understanding. My boss is very understanding to postpone a meeting which I need to attend in Bangkok. My friends and colleagues offer all sorts of assistance and words of comfort. I am grateful!

If I focus on the positive rather than the pain itself, maybe I could comprehend and perhaps emerge ‘purified, even-tempered and compassionate’ from the pain.

Recently I watched a video about life of Pope John Paul II. The Pope suffered tremendously from his failing health in his last few years but this has not stopped him from doing God’s work. He also showed us an example of how suffering is necessary and part of life and even a Pope is not spared – just like how Jesus has to suffer for us!

I pray I do better next time and also for God’s mercy for those who are suffering now.

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